Sunday, September 19, 2010

1989-2010. AFter Nineteen Years in Office, Daley Retires

After a record of nineteen years in office, Chicago mayor Richard M. Daley announced on Tuesday, September 7th, that he will not be running for re-election next fall. As Daley put it " "I've done my best. Now, I'm ready with my family to begin the new phase of our lives" ( While Daley clearly seems to be ready to retire, many people, certainly those of my generation who have not known another mayor, are worried about what will come next.

Having grown up in Chicago almost my entire life, I have not known a mayor other than Daley, which is why it certainly comes as a bit of a shock that he will not be returning to office. It is safe to say that I, and most likely many others, are worried about the future mayor of Chicago, and what he or she will have in store. However, I believe that this is because I have a biased opinion of Mayor Daley. Last week in American Studies, we were discussing how information in textbooks and many other pieces of work differ because of author's biased opinions, and I believe that this idea is coming into play now. Many people are saying that his retirement is a good thing, but many others, such as myself, are concerned.  Perhaps if there had been a number of different mayors in Chicago throughout my lifetime, I would not be so worried about Daley retiring and having a new mayor step into office. However, I feel that Daley did such a good job, with huge achievements such as Millenium Park, that the next mayor will not live up to such high expectations.

Clearly, not everyone has the same opinion as I do. Many are excited for Chicago to have a fresh start, and are looking forward to seeing some changes. Especially those who have lived long enough to have known other mayors than Daley, and perhaps do not have such a biased opinion. And although it concerns me to see Daley retire, it will be interesting to see what the future of Chicago holds. 

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