Sunday, October 24, 2010

Bloggin' Ain't Easy

Please assess "Waiting for Superman"

Blogging makes me nervous. The idea of putting all my thoughts and opinions out there, for all the world to see, is enough to make my stomach turn. As much as I hate to say it, I do care what other people think of me, and as I write my blog every week, I am often worried that what I write may offend someone, and may cause someone to disagree with me. And that is why I believe that my blogs this quarter have been somewhat bland. Instead of branching out on my own, and actually writing blogs that I truly find interesting, I merely write about what we have been discussing in class.  For example, every single one of my blog posts contains a phrase along the lines of "this idea ties into what we were learning this week in AIS." Don't get me wrong, I do find a way to tie it into everyday life so that it is somewhat interesting to the reader, but none of my posts are very original. Even as the quarter went one, the outline of each blog stayed the same. I would state what was learned in class, and then discuss my views on it. The writing improved, but the style did not. I think this is because I am still getting comfortable with blogging, and writing down my opinions, but I hope that will improve during the second quarter. One positive change that I noticed in my blogs throughout the quarter was the fact that my blogs got shorter. I no longer feel the need to make every blog an essay. They can be short and sweet, and I think that makes them easier to read, and easier for me to write. Next quarter, I hope to do some extra posts about 'random' topics that I find interesting instead of only writing my average one post a week.  However, this quarter there was one post that I was particularly proud of. It connected into class and into my personal life. The title of the post was "Waiting for Superman." I thought that this specific post tied in what we learned in class, and what I experience everyday, quite well. I truly enjoyed writing it, and hope to write more posts like this next quarter.

1 comment:

  1. Kristen, Thanks for this honest self-assessment. I think you are being a little hard on yourself, however. To relieve your anxiety about originality, however, you might take a page from Davy. how might FOUND search for new topics.

    Your "Waiting" post has potential, but I'd be careful about concluding too much from trailers alone. Perhaps this is why you offer few concrete examples here. Also, the fact that there are worse schools should not be used as an excuse for critical self-examination. It'd be nice for you to consider how schools are judged as good or bad in furthering this post.
