Sunday, February 13, 2011

Race to the Oscars

It's that time of year again, and the 83rd Annual Academy Awards are right around the corner. Many movies and actors have created "Oscar Buzz" this year, with nominees including Natalie Portman, Jesse Eisenberg, and James Franco, just to name a few. However, this year is a little different. None of the actors nominated are black. This is the first time that this has happened in over a decade, according to an article I stumbled across. To read the full article, click here.
I thought that this article, and situation, was extremely relevant to what we have been discussing in class. The topic of racial tokenism has come up quite often as we have been reading the book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. As we finished the book, we discussed Huck's redemptive arc, and whether or not Huck has grown at all throughout the year. As a class, we came upon a quote on page 230, where Huck states "I knew he was white on the inside" (referring to his companion Jim). By saying this line, it seems as though Huck has not grown, and is still back to his racist ways. And by comparing this line to the recent Oscar controversy, it makes me wonder if we have grown at all. By not having any black actors nominated this year, is it safe to say that America is still partial to one race?
I don't think so. While many people are discussing what this year's list of nominees really means, I honestly believe that it is nothing more than a list of talented actors. Black actors have been nominated in the past, and have won. And so have white actors. The nominations are nothing more than a list of noteworthy performances, and should not be perceived as anything more.

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