Monday, January 3, 2011

The Age Old Question

Since most of my winter break was spent with me sprawled on the couch watching movies, it was no surprise that I made a connection to one of those movies today in class. Today, we were discussing the controversial subject of when a child officially becomes an adult. It reminded me of a movie I watched one afternoon over break called My One and Only. This movie centers on the life of a recently single mother, struggling to find a new husband that can support her family.
The main plot of the movie is that this newly single mother (Renee Zellweger) feels that she cannot raise her two boys without the help of a husband, so she sets out on a quest to find one. There is a line in the movie that made me think of class today. She is talking to her ex husband, and he asks her if she loves him anymore. She responds by saying "I don't know, but I do know I don't NEED you anymore."
I think at this point in the movie, the mother finally reached adulthood. Though she was much older than eighteen, and would have been considered an adult by many others, she finally realized that she could live her life without relying on someone else to help her, and to me, that made her an adult.
Now, I'm not saying this is the case for everyone. Everyone is different, and everyone reaches adulthood at different times and under different circumstances. Some may argue that adulthood is simply reached when one turns 18, or moves out of the house. I personally feel there is no set date. But it brings up a good question: Is there a certain time when every person reaches adulthood?

1 comment:

  1. Kristen- This is a very interesting post that poses a new spin on the topic we've been discussing a lot. Though I can definitely see where you're coming from when you say that the woman in the movie didn't reach adulthood until she wasn't relying on anyone else but herself, but do you think that makes it true that woman who rely on their husbands aren't adults?
