Sunday, January 9, 2011

Meta-Blog Post

Please Assess Secrets, Secrets are No Fun, Unless They are for Everyone

Last quarter, in my meta-blog post, I mentioned that "Blogging makes me nervous." I guess I could say that in some cases that is still true, but for the most part, I think my blogs have really improved this quarter! In my opinion, over the course of a quarter, I began to write posts that interested me, not just posts that I thought would tie well into class. For example, in my post titled Secrets, Secrets are No Fun, Unless They are for Everyone, I wrote about political issues and wartime, two subjects that rarely catch my interest. It was a big change from my normal blogs about pop culture issues. However, I was so excited to write the post because it was finally a political subject that did interest me, and I was able to make some really cool connections into what we were learning in class. (Not only that, but I got a total of 4 comments on that all time record!!!)
Another way that my blogs have changed from the past quarter was that they became more frequent. Rather than simply blogging once a week, I began blogging more often, on subjects that caught my eye. This really changed my outlook on blogging, because instead of writing because I had too, I blogged because I wanted too. That is a big change from last quarter.
In some cases, blogging still makes me nervous because I never know how my opinions will resonate with other people. But I think for the most part, I am becoming much more confident with my posts, and I hope that will only improve in the quarter to come.

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