Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Huck Finn Controversy!

Today as I was skimming through Perez Hilton.com (possibly my favorite website of all time), I came across something that surprisingly enough was not celebrity related, but was actually about the book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. As most of you know, we are currently reading the book in class, so I clicked on the article as fast as I could to learn more. As it turns out, a decision was made to edit the 'N Word' out of the entire book, and there has been much controversy about that decision.
Mr. O'Connor mentioned in class that the word is used somewhere around 217(?) times in the book, so clearly, the book would be significantly altered. Alan Gribben, who is in charge of the change, also stated that they will be removing the word 'Injun' from the book. These words will be replaced with the word 'slave'.
Gribben defends his decision by stating that "Race matters in these books. It's a matter of how you express that in the 21st century." In my opinion, the word should not be removed. It is, in a way, altering history by changing the way that the story is told to make it more appealing, or politically correct to others.  However, others completely agree with the decision Gribben has made, and feel that the book should be edited.
To read the full article Click Here

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