Thursday, March 31, 2011

High Five/Junior Theme Post #2

Over spring break I've been trying to make a dent in some of the books and articles I plan to read for my junior theme. I've read about a book and a half so far, and numerous articles, and I've found myself bombarded with loads of information that I don't know what to do with. I'm sure others have come across this problem as well. I know what I want my paper to be about, and I want to include almost everything I've learned, but it is so hard to narrow all the information down and squeeze it into 5-7 pages...double spaced. It's not that I have started to write my paper, not even close, but even this early on in the process I'm worried about how I am going to organize everything, which information I am going to include, and which information I am going to leave out. I believe that this is the hardest part about writing any kind of paper. It's easy to just write down everything you know about the topic, but narrowing it down is the hard part.
As we have consistently stated in class, it is so important to have empathy for the reader, and if someone provides too many facts, quotes, figures etc. in their paper, it becomes overwhelming. This is what is so challenging for me. My topic is so broad, and can be looked upon in so many different ways that I don't know how I am going to decide what information I want to add, and how I want to organize it. I'm sure many people are going through the same problem, but it's definitely going to be a struggle.

On a lighter note, the High Five Choir was featured on NBC Nightly News tonight with Brian Williams! It was broadcast at five-thirty, but the video is online, and you can watch it here. Just click on the Making a Difference tab!

1 comment:

  1. Kristen- Don't worry, we still have time and will have guidance on narrowing everything down! Also know, that you're not alone in feeling overwhelmed, it's going to be hard to organize countless articles effectively but we can al ways peer edit :)
    The broadcast was absolutely amazing, it's so great to know we have such a wonderful Special Education program at New Trier and that you're so involved!
