Tuesday, April 12, 2011


With everyone writing their junior themes on hot topics in America, I figured I would blog about one hot topic as well. I just found out that a new pepper has been crowned as the world's hottest pepper! WOW!!! The Naga Viper had previously held the crown for the pepper with the most heat, but this is no longer the case. The Trinidad Scorpion Butch T. is now the world's hottest pepper.
Some people may wonder, isn't taste subjective? Won't everyone have a different opinion about whether or not a pepper is the hottest? I know I thought this, but there is actually a scale to measure the heat of peppers! It's called the Scoville Scale, and it measures peppers "by tracking the presence of a chemical compound in chilis" Who knew??
The Trinidad Scorpion Butch T. measure at 1.46 million heat units on the scale, which is one spicy pepper! In case you're wondering, the average Jalapeno falls at around 5,000 heat units.  Many of you may be laughing, but I am serious, this pepper is hot. When making salsa used with the pepper, they have to wear body suits and chemical masks to protect themselves from the dangerous fumes.
I think it's important that everyone takes a break and has time to relax when writing their junior theme. Today, my break was reading about the new Trinidad Scorpion Butch T. pepper, and it was wonderful. So if you ever find yourself stressed, and in need of something to do, don't be afraid to just look around on the internet. You may find something really interesting!
You can read the full article here.


  1. Kristen, I asked myself a similar question on how do the people judge if this is the hottest pepper. I found it interesting how they can measure it by chemical compounds. As you said "Who Knew!!". I am also taking a break from Junior Theme and it is nice to read a fun blog post. My mind needed a break from scholarly journals and read something as simple as the World's hottest pepper. I think we all need to recognize the point when we aren't learning anymore but instead reading the same paragraph over and over. This process has shown me when to take a break and begin again when my mind is clear.

  2. What an interesting way to spend your free time, Kristen. I applaud you, as my "breaks" are spent watching "Friday" by the wonderful Ms. Black, and reading whenparentstext.com...which you've probably never heard of. Intriguing post!
