Sunday, April 17, 2011

Junior Theme Post #...?

With just a few days left to go with Junior Theme, the writing process has gotten more intense, but I am actually somewhat enjoying it. I think it is important when writing a paper like this, that you focus on something you care about, rather than just something you think will be a good paper topic. I know for me, it made my paper a lot more fun and interesting to research, and spend so much time focusing on.
I know I've mentioned this before, but it's still been a challenge shortening my paper to the allowed space...5-7 pages. After weeks of researching, there is so much that I want to include, but I have to cut back on. While it's difficult, I understand that it's really for empathy for the reader, and by shortening my paper, I am making it easier to read and understand. While I may have a lot of knowledge on my topic, it's important to understand that the reader may not, and I have to make my paper as clear as possible.
But it's exciting to know that in a week or so I will be completely finished!


  1. Kristen,
    I am super excited as well! I definitely agree with you when you say it is easier to write about something you enjoy. In the end, I believe your paper is actually better if you have some sort of connection to your topic. It is important (ESPECIALLY WITH JUNIOR THEME) to show some presence, as an author, in your writing. Emotions and opinions make papers unique and I believe the "Junior Theme" is the perfect realm for students to show themselves in their best writing. I think it helps that we do Junior Theme at the end of the year, so we can take all that we have learned and apply it to make this paper great.

  2. I agree with both of you- and that the writing part is more enjoyable than the research. It is also much harder! Your interest in your topic shows when you have trouble limiting the length. At least for me, the opposite usually happens. But right now, I'm in the same boat! No matter what the length, like Sarah said: it is the author that engages the reader.

  3. I agree with you all! I have really enjoyed this project because we got to choose a topic of our interest. However, I am also finding it frustrating to keep my paper concise because as of now, it is a little long. Like Glenna said, it is hard to find that balance between having empathy for the reader and providing enough detailed information. Good luck to everyone as they finish up their papers!
