Sunday, April 24, 2011

Junior Theme....

Going over my peer edits, I've learned that I'm having a hard time providing quotes and analyzing them. It's really easy to just pop a quote in and be done with it...but it's the explaining that's the hard part. And then you have to throw in empathy for the reader which makes it even harder! Thank goodness it's due Monday.
But as hard as empathy for the reader is, it is so beneficial to a paper. Everyone is writing about such interesting topics, but it's important to keep in mind that they are topics no one else really knows about or understands. And you are the one that has to teach them. I've tried to keep this in mind as I've been writing, but it's easier said than done. Between providing empathy for the reader, and keeping my paper between the page limit, it's been a struggle. Hopefully with a little more work though, I will be able to finish it!

P.S. Happy Easter!

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