Sunday, March 6, 2011

Spread the Word to End the Word

I know that Jenn has recently blogged about this, but it's such an important campaign that I thought I would blog about it as well. Spread the Word to End the Word was a campaign that took place on March 2nd, and it's message is to stop the use of the word "retarded". This word is not only hurtful to people with mental and physical disabilities, but it is insulting to their friends, and family, as well.
In a recent study, it was calculated that the "r-word" is used once every three seconds on twitter. If it is used that often of twitter, it must be used more by people in everyday conversation. This is a staggering statistic and needs to be changed. Next time you hear the word being said, make it clear that it is offensive, so hopefully in the future it won't be used.

For more information, check out


  1. Kristen,
    I am honestly shocked by your statistic. I think this campaign is great, and fully support it! Yet remember, mean words are easier typed then said face to face.

  2. Whenever I'm walking through the hallways and hear the r-word mentioned, I get the chills. The r-word is a lot like calling something "gay". Both are such hurtful words because you are turning someones personal feelings or disabilities into a word that people use to describe something they don't like or think is dumb. There was a series of commercial out about one or two years ago promoting the end of calling things "gay" and I think it's great that there is a campaign to end the r-word because it truly is horrendous that people talk like that.
